
Not sure we can do that…

The stories we all have on what we can or cannot accomplish are endless.

It’s easy to blame someone or something for what you don’t have that would make it easier to achieve what you need to do. Unfortunately, this happens more often than many of us want to admit.

I don’t know about you, but whenever I set a goal my ego monkey mind likes to hook me into all the details. How are we going to do that? If X happens, then we’re going to need to do Y. The list is endless. 

I have learned that this kind of thinking holds me back. It’s limiting. It’s counterproductive. It is exhausting.

The only thing standing between you and what you desire are the crazy stories you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve something.

Don’t give in to these thoughts.

This week, I share four simple and practical routines you can implement every week to filter the noise and focus on what’s important. Check it out:

Or stream it on your favorite podcast platform! It is episode 102 of the Getting Results podcast: Filter the Noise and Focus on What Matters. It’s available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Spotify, and others.